The Wedding of

Raffles & Lily


you are invited

With Love


Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

Dengan memohon Rahmat dan Ridho Allah SWT kami bermaksud untuk mengundang Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i untuk menghadiri acara pernikahan putra – putri kami :


Vincentius Raffles Benedict, S. Ikom.

The Son of
Mr. Ricardo Djatikusuma
and Mrs. Fransisca Ida



Melania Lilyani Chandra, S. Si.

The Daughter of
Mr. Hendrik Leynard Chandra
and Mrs. Dorotea Nia


Enrico Poetra

The Son of Mr.
& Mrs.


Enrico Poetra

The Son of Mr.
& Mrs.

Counting down to the day


Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Dan di antara tanda-tanda (kebesaran)-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan pasangan-pasangan untukmu dari jenismu sendiri, agar kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan Dia menjadikan di antaramu rasa kasih dan sayang. Sungguh, pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda (kebesaran Allah) bagi kaum yang berpikir.

QS. Ar-Rum Ayat 21

Holy Matrimony


02 October 2022


Gereja St. Aloysius Gonzaga

Jl. Satelit Indah I BI HN No.1

Holy Matrimony


02 October 2022


Gereja St. Aloysius Gonzaga

Jl. Satelit Indah I BI HN No.1



02 October 2022


Bima Restaurant

Jl. Genteng Kali 97-99

Live Streaming

Reception will be streamed on YouTube,
Sunday, 02 October 2022 at 12.00

Should you have any issues with the livestream video above, then please click on the button below instead:

Health Protocol

Temperature check

Check body temperature when entering event

Wear a mask

Must use mask during the event

Wash your hand

Wash your hand and use handsanitizer

Social distance

Keep safe distance when attending event

Protokol Kesehatan

Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, dikarenakan situasi yang sedang terjadi ditengah pandemi Covid-19 ini kami memohon maaf karena acara akan diselenggarakan sesuai peraturan dan imbauan pemerintah.

Pengecekan suhu tubuh

Menggunakan masker selama acara berlangsung

Mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun serta memakai handsanitizer

Menjaga jarak selama acara berlangsung

Our Video

Our Stories


Spiritual Retreat, Tumpang-Malang, July 2012 is the moment when God put us together for the first time. Intense communication then born because of Raffle’s initiative. Question became attention, attention turned to concern, and concern transformed to attachment.


Surabaya, was the place where we got to know each other much deeper and on 20th August 2012 we were a lovebird. Happiness and sadness, ease and anger, longing and letting were written down on our pages. Our differences sketched various colors on the canvas of our love journey.


Astonishing 6 years We have had, encouraged Raffles to take the next move. He proposed me and on 26th October 2019 we were engaged officially.


Love is not just looking for someone you can live with, but finding someone you cannot live without. Even a happy ending tales have its obstacles, and We will conquer what lies ahead, together and inseparable through our vow on 2nd October 2022. Holding hand to the Holy Altar and in front of Jesus Christ we want to make a vow of allegiance to life and death and in all lives we will live in the future.


Please kindly help us prepare everything better by confirming your attendance to our wedding event with the following RSVP form :

Send Wishes

Leave us your beautiful wishes and most sincere prayers here as we are so excited to embark on this new journey together:

Ei - Tongfamz
Happy wedding Lily & Ko Raffles. Finally SAH juga... so happy for you guys Happy2, sehat2 n rukun2 untuk seterusnya. 🥰
Alexander Sasmita & Diana Sutanto
May God bless your marriage, wish you lots of love and happiness, filled with the sweetness of happy married life.
Herman Yosef Manehat/Elisabet Yovita Jau, sekeluarga
Selamat menempuh hidup baru dan selamat berbahagia untuk Raffles dan Lily. Semoga cinta Tuhan selalu menyertai langka hidup kalian berdua. Bahagia selamanya......❤️
Happy wedding. Wish you a lifetime of love and happiness. God bless you.
Helen n fam
Semoga rukun selalu n d karuniai ank2 yg baik nhappy ever after sampai akong emak.. Amiin
Happy Wedding Raffles & Lily. Semoga Tuhan senantiasa memberkati dan melindungi rumahtangga kalian berdua, Amin🙏
Congrats, God Bless bro 🙏
Zainul Tan and Family
Happy Wedding Rafles and Lily God Bless ❤️🌹🎂
Meychen - tongfam
Congratulations Lili and ko Raffles!! I'm so happy for you guys! Finally SAH juga!! Welcome to marriage life! Cepet dapet momongan, happy2 terus! God bless your marriage! 🙏🎉❤️
Ola T.F. - Tongfamz
Happy Wedding Lily & Ko Raffles🎉🎉 Finallyy, selamat menempuh hidup baru yeyy.. Semoga pernikahannya selalu diberkati, selalu happy, rukun2 terus yaah. Cepet bikin temen buat nori plisss, jangan lama2! 🥰
Congratzz untuk kedua mmpelai... Lancar smp hari H, rukun dan bahagia sll smp maut memisahkan
Congratz Lili ❤ Ko Raffles Finally yg ditunggu2 🥳😍 Selamat menempuh keluarga baru, rukun & bahagia sampai kakek nenek. Gbu ur marriage🥰
Reti T.F - Tongfamz
Happy Wedding Lily & Ko Raffles 🥳 wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness 🥰 menjadi keluarga yg sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah 👫 cepet dapet momongan 👶🏻
Congratulations li.. so happy akhirnyaa bagi2 undangan jg ya.. wishing you happy a wedding and have a beautifuuuul life.. JBU 🤗🤗
Henny T.F - Tongfamz
Happy Wedding Lilo dan ko Raffles Semoga diberkati selalu keluarga kecilnya dan
Cindy T.F - TongFamz
Selamat menempuh hidup baru Lily n ko Raffles. Semoga makin tambah diberkati dan bahagia selalu n cepat punya momongan. GBU always .🎉🎉🎊
Congratz cong. Welcome to the real meaning of life. GBU
Febri Saputra
Finallyyyyy, diberkati pernikahannya dan kehidupan setelahnyaaaaaa 💗💗💙💙
Finally... congratz ya li dan ko raffles, smoga persiapan pernikahannya dilancarkan smua hingga hari H, makin diberkati pernikahannya 😊😍
Benny and Afen
Congratz ya Raffles.... lancar2 smua smp hari H & Rukun ya sampai selama2 nya.... Cie2 Doakan yang Terbaik buat Raffles & Family..... God Bless You.....
Djoni Tjundawan
Congratulations...Happy wedding...
Happy wedding raffles & lily, smoga cpt punya momonngan, rukun akur trus, & penuh berkat sampe tua bersama.
Victor & Shella
Happy Wedding Raffles & Lily Semoga menjadi pernikahan yang bahagia dan penuh berkat serta rukun dan langgeng selalu. GBU
Mugo2 Langgeng sampe maut memisahkan..
Buat Nyo Raffles, happy wedding smeoga menjadi pernikahan yg berkah dan selamanya. Selamat berbahagia.
eleng kamu sek cilik, pake ransel, masuk algonz marani bangkuku. skarang wes mau kawin....😅. selamat buat rafles+lily, seng rukun....
Happy wedding Raffles& Lily.. may you both happily ever after.. God Bless🙏😇💐
Grace& Chris
Buat Raffles & Lily… Selamat menempuh hidup baru ya… semoga selalu berbahagia bersama sampai akhir hayat & Tuhan menyertai kalian semua 😇🙏
Ayli Sutrisna
Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru & Berbahagia selalu,anggur" yg manis selalu mengalir n memenuhi kehidupan rumah tangga kalian langgeng smp maut yg memisahkan kalian berdua amen...🙏❤️😇 GBU always n Family...🙏❤️😇
Selamat Berbahagia & selamat menempuh kehidupan Rumah tangga yang di berkati Tuhan, & selamat berjuang dalam peperangan kehidupan semoga menang sampai akhir Amin😇🌹♥️
Engkim Jeanny
Selamat ya Raffles &lily..... Tuhan memberkati selalu dalam keluarga
Congratulation to Raffles and Lily Happy ever after GOD BLESS
Richard Sutjipto & Indrawati Soerjoseputro
Happy Wedding Raffles and Lily, may GOD bless you always and forever.
Steve & Esther
Congrats Raffles & Lily
Congratz Lii!
Janto - Inge
Selamat menempuh Hidup Baru Raffles & Lily 😍😍. Semoga Bahagia selalu hingga kakek nenek ❤️❤️. God bless 😍😍
Congratulation to Raffles adn Lily Happy ever after GOD BLESS
1 person
Soesy Han
Congrats Raffles & Lily... Tuhan memberkati pernikahan kalian hingga maut memisahkan 😇
Rio Budihardjo and Fam.
Congratulations to Raffles and Lily, wishing you both a beautiful journey ahead together as husband and wife. Remember always what God has joined let no man separate. No matter what, once you both step in a holy matrimony, you cannot cancel nor runaway from it. Cheers to both of you 🥂
Ko Vi - Ce Irene
Congrats Raffles & Lily....semoga senantiasa dipenuhi anggur baru dalam keluarga. Sukacita, penuh kasih & berkat selalu .... 🙏🎊💐🎉
Selamat Raffles& Lily.....Tuhan memberkati dalam perkawinan kudus, bahagia selalu sampai maut memisahkan
Fandy n martha
Sukses yah fles selamat menempuh hidup baru yah
Ronny & Amelia
Selamat menempuh hidup baru yaa Raffles & Lily.. bahagia selalu, rukun terus, cepet punya momongan 🤗 God bless
Calvin & Olivia
Congrats!! Semoga bahagia & akur2 sampai tua ❤️❤️❤️
Mrs Lucy
Sakramen Pernikahan yg telah kalian terima dng Suka Cita HARUS kalian jaga hingga maut yg memisahkan . Ada masalah di tengah jalan wajib di bicarakan n dibawah dalam doa...GBU
Mrs Lucy
Sakramen Pernikahan yg telah kalian terima dng Suka Cita HARUS kalian jaga hingga maut yg memisahkan . Ada masalah di tengah jalan wajib di bicarakan n dibawah dalam doa...GBU
Kebahagiaan ada di tangan kalian berdua…Bahagia selalu yaaaa…. Saling menghormati u/ mencapai kebahagiaan itu 🙏🙏🙏
Roy and fam
Congratz Raflles n Lily ❤❤ GBU 🙏🙏
Angga and Fam
Perkawinan adalah awal, semoga Tuhan berkati kehidupan perkawinan kalian selamanya ya Fless n Lily. Jesus loves us.
Lie San n family
Wishing you both a long and happy marriage, lots of love n happiness.
Congrats Raffles & Lily happy wedding ❤️
happy wedding Raffles & Lily
Congratulation and Happy Wedding Fles, Jesus bless you and lily forever
Congrats fles, jangan meluk tanaman mulu skrg udah ada yg busa di peluk wkwkwkwk
Dimas hyundai
Congratss rafless 🍻💛
Semangat bro semoga ke depan gak telat masuk kerjanya udah ada yang bangunin kerja dan bangunin titit
jajan makan di rumah haha.... makan masakan lily jok ajak makan luar terus hahaha
fles habis merrid stop2 jajan yoo hahahahahahaha
Iik Ira
Sehat trs, Rukun trs, Happy trs biar lancar trs rejeki nya nak. GBU Always and Happy ever After buat Raff and Lily

Wedding Gifts

If you would like to express your kind wishes by sending us a gift, please use the button bellow :

Gift Confirmation
Click here

Gift Confirmation

Share your gift details here


Raffles & Lily

Made with ♥
Goodchoice Invitation