The Wedding of

Anthony & Keisha

You are invited!

counting down to the day

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By the grace of God, we are pleased to announce our wedding to you our family and friends :

Together with the blessing of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, we joyfully invite you to share in our happiness as we unite in marriage on:


Anthony Kevin Susanto

The son of
Mr. Edie Susanto (†)
and Mrs. Lily Candinegara


Keisha Deandra Christie

The daughter of
Mr. Hendro Kimanto
& Mrs. Purnamawaty

" And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. "

1 Corinthians 13:13

"And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought."

QS. Ar-Rum Ayat 21







3 PM ( 15.00 WITA )


Renaissance Uluwatu Chapel

Jl. Pantai Balangan I No.1, Ungasan, Bali, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361







6 PM ( 18.00 WITA )


Renaissance Uluwatu Pool Deck

Jl. Pantai Balangan I No.1, Ungasan, Kec. Kuta Selatan, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361


You can stream our Holy Matrimony via Youtube on September 25th , 2022 at 3 pm (15.00 WITA)

Capture our wedding moments with #KeishayanganThony

Should you have any issues with the livestream video above, please click on the button below :

Health Protocol

It’s important to us that everyone stays safe, please read carefully our Wedding Day Covid-19 Guidance before attending the event:

Check the temperature when entering the event room.

Must use mask during the event

Wash your hand and use handsanitizer

Keeping each other apart when attenting event

Our Stories

OuR Stories

Pandangan Pertama

Pertemuan kita berawal dari teman satu kelas pada waktu Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) di SMK Telkom Jakarta. Pada saat itu ada banyak kegiatan yang melibatkan kita bersama, dari kerja kelompok hingga pulang bersama. Singkat cerita kita saling mengenal hingga Mas Ari menyatakan suka kepada Mellia.

Sebuah Dongeng yang Indah

Perjalanan cinta kita seperti sebuah dongeng. Setelah beberapa tahun bersama kita di hadapi oleh keadaan yang tidak memungkinkan kita untuk bersama, seperti hukum alam pada umumnya, tidak semuanya berjalan dengan mulus.
Namun, pada akhirnya kita di pertemukan kembali dalam keadaan yang lebih baik oleh Allah SWT.

One Step Closer

Pada tanggal cantik, 12 Desember 2021 kita melangsungkan acara lamaran di Restoran yang bertempat di Jakarta. Acara berlangsung hangat dan sangat haru dari kedua belah pihak keluarga. Tidak terasa semua perjalanan cepat dan bahagia ini terjadi begitu saja dan selangkah lebih dekat menuju Ibadah yang sangat disenangi oleh Allah SWT.


Please kindly help us prepare everything better by confirming your attendance to our wedding event with the following RSVP form :



Drop your most sincere wishes and prayers here as we are so excited to embark on this new journey together! ❤
Jason Gautama
Happy wedding cikei and husband, happily ever after!!
Congratzzz keisha dan suami... Tuhan berkati selalu keluarga barunya.
happy wedding kei and husband. happily ever after 🫶🏻
happy wedding kei and husband. happily ever after 🫶🏻
happy wedding kei and husband. happily ever after 🫶🏻
happy wedding kei and husband. happily ever after 🫶🏻
happy wedding kei and husband. happily ever after 🫶🏻
Happy wedding bro.. welcome to the jungle
Congratulations on your marriage, Kei and husband! 💙💙 may your marriage life be filled with endless love and joy, God bless! 💙
Olivia Bernadi
Happy Wedding Ci keiiiii & husband ❤️ May God bless your marriage, stay sweet and caring in whatever condition you both face! 🥰
Richard arner
HWD ya kei dan suami, tuhan berkati 😇😇
Donna Shandra
happy wedding kak keii & husband! wishing you a lifetime of happiness together and a love that grows stronger with each passing day ❣️
Irene n Coco
Happy wedding daay kei and husband ❤️ God Bless and full of happiness always 😇
Happy wedding day kei dan suami, semoga diberkati malaikat malaikat kecil yang cantik dan ganteng nanti ya ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Michael ( 1stdance_jkt )
Congratulations Toni & Keisha to become husband & wife. God bless your family🙏🙏
Happy birthday kei and ko toni.. Semoga bahagia dan langgeng2 sampe nenek kakek ya kei 🙏🏻😘😘
Fransiska Kaligis
Dear Keisha & Anthony, happy wedding!! So happy for both of you..wishing you all the beauty and happiness life could offer.. may God bless your family.. with love, Cika & fam
gilbert mcs
Selamat kei dan anthony! May you have a happy, blessed, wedding! Selamat menempuh bahtera rumah tangga GBU 🙏
Roland and Ai Khisi
Congratulations Anthony and Keisha! May the Lord bless your journey together as a family with many bountiful joys and happiness!
Congratulations keiiii & husband🥰🥰 Happily ever after dearr 💕💕 Gbur marriage 🙏🙏
Stefanie Leowardi
Happy Wedding Day, Keisha & Anthony❤ Wishing you a happily ever after💍 GOD bless you both for the rest of your life🙏🏻
Congrats on your wedding Keii🥰 God Bless
Stefani Luziani
Happy Wedding Day Keisha & Husband!❤️ Congratulationsss!! Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness. May the years ahead be filled with love and joy 🤗🥰🌟
Holiawan Fam's
Congrats for both of you, happily ever after ❤️
Yng Miin (WCP conference)
Congrats Keisha & Anthony! Wish you both a blissful and fulfilling marriage!
Mathilda Abby
Berhubung kei minta di bikinin pantun untuk membalas jeng Novi, so here you go beb wkwk Tulang rusuk selalu dicari Di pelaminan kini bertemu Semoga lancar KeishaAnthony Kudoakan malam pertama yang seru HEHEHEHE😜
Congrats ci Kei dan suami! God bless✨
Congratulations kei and husband! Wishing you a lifetime happiness✨ enjoy married life!🌹 God bless you😇
Happy Wedding ka Kei! 🥰🤗 so happy for u both Semoga lancar sampai hari H... Selamat mengarungi bahtera rumah tangga & semoga menjadi keluarga yg harmonis bahagia selalu🥰🥰
Adi Fau
CONGRATULATIONS KEIII ON YOUR WEDDING! Semoga pernikahan kalian selalu diberkati oleh Tuhan dan menjadi berkat bagi orang-orang sekitar, semoga kalian bisa bertumbuh dewasa dan menua bersama-sama dalam Tuhan 🥹🙏🏻
Doa yang terbaik untuk semua niat baik yang akan kalian jalani bersama
Anton Kwee
Hallo keisha.. Can't believe i even have the same initial.. haha.. wish you will be happy with AK and have many childrens
congrats keii. lancar2 sampai hari H ya
Elena Silvia Tara
Congrats kei & suami, lancar2 ya sampe hari H, diberkati rumah tangga barunya😇🥰🙏
Deeky H
Congratulations Keisha & Anthony!! Wish you nothing but happiness in your marriage! God bless 😇
Donna Shandra
Congratulation ka keii dan suami. wishing you lots of love and happiness! God bless your marriage kak keii ❤️
Vanessa Bertha
Congratulations ci Kei dan Suami. Semoga lancar persiapan, hari H, dan kehidupan berkeluarga nya. Tuhan memberkati selaluu ❤😍
Congratulations ya Anthony dan Keisha, semoga bahagia selalu
Congratss ci Kei dan pasangan ❤ cepet punya momongan yaaa hihihi
Tasha (DP'11)
Congrats Tony & Keisha.. God bless you both 🙏🙏
Wiwin Reina
Congratsss ya Anthony dan Keisha..Tuhan yesus lancarkan semuanya...God Bless
Muthia Farah Ashma
Keishaaa cantikk selamat ya sayang lancar sampai hari H yaaa 😘🥰❤️
Maria Mustika Dewanti
Aaaa congrats yaaa keiii 💕💕💕 Lancar2 sampai hari H 🙏🤗 God bless your marriage 🙏🤗❤️
Cindy ct
Congratss Keisha 💕 semoga lancar sampai hari H yaa , May your marriage be filled with Love , Happiness & Blessings . God bless your Marriage !🥰
Congratssss ! Godbless u Kei n husband😇😇
Naomi Constantia
Happy wedding kei, God bless ur marriage 💕💕
Samuel UT
Congrats to both of u, Bro semoga lancar sampai hari H ya God bless you
Congrats Kei dan suami. Semoga lancar persiapannya sampai hari Bahagianya ya. Tuhan berkati 🥰🥳👩‍❤️‍👨
Susi H
Selamat Kei. Semoga semua proses persiapan berjalan lancar. Kiranya kasih karunia Tuhan yang menaungi keluargamu, dan kekuatan dariNya yang memantapkan langkah kalian menjalani bahtera rumah tangga. GBU
Best wishes to you both on your wedding.May the love that you share last your lifetime through,as you make a wonderful pair.☺️Jesus bless☺️🙏
Selamat ya adek cantiksss dan pasangan. 🥰 Dilancarkan sampe hari H, bahagia selalu dan selalu di berkati perjalanan baru kalian nantinya. Tuhan yesus senantiasa berkati ❤️❤️😇🙏
dewa ayu agung gita sugandhi
keishaaa, selamattt!! bahagia selalu ya keiii dan calon suami😍
Dear Keca and soon to be husband, me so happy dek. Pls let God be the center of ur new family, be happy, and stay healthy. God loves you
Dila nur fitriani
Congratulations Keisha & Anthony! Semoga dilancarkan sampai hari H, dan menjadi keluarga yg bahagia❤️
Dila nur fitriani
Congratulations Keisha & Anthony
Dewi Kumalasari
Selamat ya Kei dan calon suami. Menjadi pasangan yg saling mendukung dan mengasihi sampai ajal memisahkan. Lancar segala persiapan pernikahannya
Yanti Sabarinah Soebianto
Selamat menempuh perjalanan hidup baru kalian. Selalu jadikan Tuhan nahkoda bahtera hidup kalian.
Wah! Congratsss keisha & pasangan! Jadi keluarga yg diberkati dan memberkati orang lain ya! God bless
Lidya OS
Congrats Kei & Husband! Wishing you both joy, love and happiness on your wedding day & as you begin your new life together ♡ God Bless
Lancar ya Kei sampai hari H. Be happy both of you..
Analia Levina
Finally finding your prince charming ya 💖💖 Congratulation on your wedding Kei! God bless your family ya
Grace Surjadi & Husband
Congratsss keiiii 😘😘 i'm so happy for youuu say ❤️ semoga lancarrr sampai hari H.. sampai maut memisahkan ya 😍 God bless both of you ❤️
Congratsssss kekeiii !! Im so happy for you 🤍🤍🤍 Smoga lancarr yaa sampai hari H.. semangaaaatt 🥰
Natasha Natalia
Congrats happy wedding kei. Lancar2 sampai hari H yaa amin 😊 Gbu
Clara & Kevin
Keiiiiiiii, i am so happy for youuuu❤️ Congratss yaa! semoga semuanya lancar2 sampai hari H. May your marriage be filled with love, joy, and happiness🥰 God bless
Michael Fide John KSCI
Wow wow wow... Selamat menempuh hidup baru Anthony 👨 Keisha 👩, Semoga jalan kedepan selalu satu visi misi dan strategi dalam suka duka, sehat sakit, untung dan malang. Keep your love together forever ❤️ 🔥 All warm regards from Raja T, Raiku S, & Kopi G 😀
Happy wedding keiii!!! Bener2 ikut bahagia bgt🤍 semoga kalian selalu bahagia selaluu bersama selamanyaa🥺
Siti Zakiaturrahmah
Hai Kei! Congrats yaa! Selamat menempuh hidup baru! So haapppyyy🎉
Keiii kyaaa selamattt, im so happy for you!! Semoga pernikahannya menjadi awal yang baru dikehidupan kei dan suami yangg sangaty bahagiaa, selamat menempuh hidup baruuu!! 🥰🥰
Jason & Mai
Congrats Ton & Kei! We prayed that may God lead you both in this lifelong journey and for your marriage to always be a blessing for others. God bless! - Jason & Mai
Erika I.
Hai Kei & ko Anton! I wish you guys a blissful wedding, and a blissful rest of your lives together.
Janice Jenifer
Wahhh congratulations Keisha & Ko Anton!! So happy for you both! 🤍🤍 Senantiasa jadikan Tuhan sebagai fondasi hub kalian ya. Apapun yang dibangun diatas dasar yang kuat, pasti akan kuat juga dalam setiap musim kehidupan yang akan kalian lewati bersama. 🤍 Tuhan Yesus memberkati pernikahan kalian!
Semangaaaaaaat dan lancar sampai hari H keiiiii 💕🥰
Lancar senantiasa sampai Hari H dan beyond, Tony & Kei
Hellooo Keisha & Anthony. Im so happy for you guyss!!! Moga semua dilancarkan. Semoga pernikahan kalian jadi berkat bagi semua yang berada disekitar kalian. Jadi garam n terang kemanapun kalian berada.
Parlin & Avi
Selamat ya Anthony & Keisha untuk pernikahannya.. semoga lancar sampai hari H, juga selamat menempuh hidup baru kedepannya dan smoga kalian semakin berakar, bertumbuh, dan berbuah dalam Kristus God bless!
Stefan & Jesslyn
May God always bless your marriage. Keep running in your pursuit of Him. Happy wedding, stay happy, and congratulations to both of you❤️
Aditya K
Congrats Kei & Tony! Selamat menempuh hidup baru👍; GBU!
Yansen & Cing
Congrats on your wedding Bro Tony & Kei, semoga Tuhan berkati pernikahan kalian ya & selalu andalkan Tuhan dalam setiap hal dalam kehidupan pernikahan kalian ya. Gbu
Finally! I cannot wait to see you both walking down the aisle. Welcome to the club 💚 #AkuBisaMenikah | btw, jangan lupa ajak kei honeymoon berburu aurora ya ton 😆
Congratulations on your wedding Kei & Ko Tony!! You’re such a great couple! Seneng banget bisa lihat kalian berdua bertumbuh di dalam Tuhan & finally tie the knot soon 💜 semoga lancar2 sampai hari H, sehat, bahagia & jadi couple yang saling membangun & memberkati yaa. GBU 💜✨
Felicia Samin
Congrats on your wedding Kei n Tony 🥰 so happy for both of you! May you both grow old together as one and love stronger ‘til forever 🥰💕
Tania & Aru
Congrats Kei & Tony on finding each other! 👀 May your marriage be filled with love, humor, romance, also tolerance and understanding. We’re so excited for your special day! Lancar-lancar yaa ❤️
Stephane Gasso & Isabelle
Cece Keisha & Koko Anthony Belle, Papa & Mamo said to both of you “The best wishes on this wonderful journey, as you build your new loves together. And may your love grow stronger each and pas sing year. May the love you share today grow stronger as you grow old together 🥰🎊🎉🎊🎉💝
Congratulations to both of you Ton and Kei! So happy for both of you! Pray that God will bless your marriage and will be the center of your relationship!
Congratss for u both, so happyyy 🌟
Christyanto Tjhandra
Congrats ya Kei n ko Thony ! so happy for both of you & wishing you for the best !! .. lancar" selalu untuk segala persiapan hr H nya , Tuhan berkati relationship kalian selalu yaa 🔥✨
Aqil Tasrif
Selamaat kei!! Semoga lancar-lancar sampai hari H! So happy✨✨
Florence Clarissa
Tinggal menghitung hari nih, semoga semua persiapannya lancar ya kei ❤️ God bless ❤️ So happy for both of you 😘😘😘
novia sieto
"Langit membentang warnanya biru, datangnya huja menimpa batu. Selamat menempuh hidup baru, semoga bahagia sepanjang waktu." Happy Wedding dear Kei & Anthony, sejahtera dalam mengarungi bahtera rumah tangga yaaa ~ Best Wishes :')
God bless your wedding preparation Keisha and Anthony! ❤️
Keiii finallyy… he is the one ya!! Hihi Wishing you guys a lifetime full of happiness 💕 and may God bless your marriage! ✨
KEIII! Finally its getting closer & closer! May God presence be with you two from the preparation days, wedding day, till you both turn old and grey! Hoping that God will always be the center of ur marriage life. Gbu lovebirds ❤️
Congratsss Kei and Tony! ❤️❤️ May Christ continue to be the center of your relationship, the rock, the foundation. Glorify the Lord even more with your union! ❤️
Congrats Kei n Tony ! So happy for u two since day one ❤️🎉 GBU and New Family
Koe Stella
Semoga Keisha dan Anthony hidup berbahagia selamanya.... Selamat menempuh hidup baru, semoga kalian bersama bertumbuh dalam Tuhan dan memuliakanNya. Happy wedding and happy marriage you two!



Your presence is more than enough for us! But for family and friends who would like to send a gift, we would be very grateful for the love and support.

Confirm your gift here

Gift Confirmation

Let them know your gift


with love,

Anthony & Keisha

Made with ♥ by Goodchoice Invitation

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